Wing foiling at any time carries risk. But as riders we can minimise the amount of risky situations we put ourselves by following a few simple steps.
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New season wing foiling.
As spring starts to become sprung the good weather will entice many wing foilers onto the water. Already, we’re hearing reports of kit being lost due to component part malfunctions.
Fortunately it’s just holes in wallets as opposed to serious bodily harm. Although Foilshop’s very own Tez did recently suffer a mishap having misjudged the water depth. You can read about that situation via the link below.
Wing foiling pre-flights – check your foil bolts before every session.
It’s a good idea to break your foil down and check those all important bolts. Make sure all bolt threads are intact and not stripped. Grease them up so they don’t become fused. And inspect for any signs of bending. If you’ve recently collided with something your bolts may have bent.
Make sure the bolt heads aren’t rounded off. Most foils feature Torx head bolts these days which don’t suffer the same issues. But always best to make sure by checking and swap them out if needs be.
Ensure your bolts are tight, but not too tight, when you’ve coupled your foil up. And do this BEFORE going afloat. You don’t want your foil falling to the depths!
Wing foiling leashes.
Both leashes connecting riders to their wing and their board need to be solid and secure. Leashes can become worn – particularly the Velcro.

Doing a tug test should give some idea (although isn’t foolproof) of their security. If your leashes need replacing then do so. We’ve heard recent stories of boards and wings becoming separated from riders and being lost. At least this is only a financial inconvenience. Losing gear could lead to much worse scenarios where emergency rescue services are needed.
Give others plenty of room!
As more wing foilers take up the sport waters will inevitably get busier. It’s your job as a frequent flier to exercise good judgement and not ride among crowds.

Summer will certainly see lots of people in the water. Keep clear of them! You may be well in control but those looking on who don’t appreciate foiling could be intimidated and anxious about you and getting hit by your foil gear. The last thing we want is a serious accident. This would be a bad situation in many ways – not least for the parties involved. Wider ramifications could end with us seeing restrictions and enforcement around all forms of foiling.
Keep yourself safe.
If you’re new to wing foiling, or even an experienced rider, wearing a helmet and/or impact vest could be a good idea.

Should your foil belt you (for whatever reason) you’ll be glad of wearing some form of protection. The law of averages dictates the more foilers there are the more likely accidents will happen.
In all instances with wing foiling common sense should be applied. Keep personal safety and those around you in mind is how we’ll all continue to enjoy the sport and see it grow.
Additional pics: Angus McIntyre and Mike Pringuer.