Pics: Oli Lane-Peirce/Steve West.
There’s a lot of confusion in terms of whether footstraps are needed for both of wing foiling and windfoiling.
The simple answer is ‘no you don’t’. As in you don’t ‘need’ straps for either discpline. This may sound more obvious for wing foil, partic if you’ve done your research and been served countless images and vids of wingers without straps. It mightn’t be as obvious for windfoiling though.

Whether you’re talking wing foil or windfoil foot straps do give a more locked in feel when flying. Straps also give more leverage when pumping up onto foil – especially the upwards pull part of the foil pumping technique. And, if course, being connected to your board allows those aerial moves (if you’re that way inclined).
Riding without straps, in contrast, gives a much freer experience. And during initial learning phases allows the foiler to adjust their foot placement and dial in exactly where he/should be standing.
Ultimately, whether you choose to use foot straps or not is your personal choice. There’s no right or wrong way merely different styles of riding and methods of making best use of conditions.
The best advice is to experiment with both strapped and strapless wing foil/windfoil riding and see what you prefer. You may like both, in which case chopping and changing is also an option.