Waterborne Skateboards surf skate adapter fin system delivers superior lean and pivot to your riding. Suddenly, that dead and lifeless skateboard you’d grown tired of using has a new lease of life.
Riding off the front foot skaters can pump until their legs give way on the flat. Alternatively, carve and turn super tight angles you wouldn’t normally be able to achieve.
Surf skating bowls and parks.
Waterborne Skateboards front surf skate adapter fin system works a treat. Being able to maintain a connection with the vert you can swoop and shred the concrete wave. No need for axel pivots or releasing from Terra Firma (unless you want to).
For this reason alone we know the Waterborne Skateboards surf skate adapter fin system has opened up bowl riding for those previously not able or confident enough to do so.

Unlike other surf skate trucks the Waterborne Skateboards surf adapter is engineered with superior attention to detail. A bombproof product the adapter will last and last, giving hours of riding fun in a surfing stylee. If you’ve always liked the idea of surf skating, but couldn’t swallow the cost of a complete surf skate setup, the Waterborne Skateboards front surf skate adapter fin system is a way to access that surf skateboarding feeling without it costing a fortune.
Surfing on land does a surf skate mimic this?
The big question with surf skating is: does it mimic surfing on land? That comes down to how you actually ride. For some skaters, it does whilst for others it’s more of a way to unlock super maneuverable skateboarding. Whatever your situation, however, the fact remains, surfing with the Waterborne Skateboards front adapter is super fun and a great way to enjoy skateboarding.
So what are you waiting for? Get some lean in your life! Enjoy x3 more carving ability over your standard skateboard setup and put a mile wide smile on your chops. Pump, carve and even cruise – just with a heightened mobility – it’s all good with the Waterborne Skateboards front surf adapter fin system.
Features –
- Comes with x2 Waterborne Skateboards bamboo block risers for the rear truck.
- To be used if not mounting the Waterborne Skateboards surf rail adapter.
- Maximise the carving and maneuverability of ANY skateboard.
- Pump faster for longer.
- Carve x3 tighter.
- x3 settings to maximise performance – super carve, standard, mega pump.
- Customise your ride further by adding the Waterborne Skateboards rear surf rail adapter.
- Mix and match bushings for a personalised ride.
- Simple to install.
- Made from aviation grade aluminium for toughness.
- Heat cycled to release any stress during production.
- Manufactured with high grade materials for quality and long lasting performance.
- All installation hardware included.
See full mounting demonstration video here –
How to tune your Waterborne surf adapter with the fin system –
In action –
How the Waterborne Skateboards surf skate adapter truck differs from other surf skate systems on the market –
The Waterborne Skateboards surf skate adapter fin system doesn’t rely on any kind of heavy metal or spring loaded mechanism. Instead, Waterborne Skateboards use a high rebound urethane bushing for a softer, more authentic and limitless carving experience. The Waterborne system is the newest on the market but in our opinion it’s the most innovative. One of the big reasons Waterborne doesn’t rely on metal is because of the wear and tear issue and corrosion.
Stress tested to 680kg the Waterborne Skateboards front surf skate adapter truck is tough as old boots and is guaranteed not to break. In fact, so confident in its performance are we that the adapter comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Waterborne Skateboards surf adapter –
‘Get some lean in your life!’
For more info about the Waterborne Skateboards surf and rail adpaters contact [email protected]
Check out more wing skating and surf skate gear in the online shop here.
And for even more surf skating goodness head over to our sister website surfskateboard.shop